Writer: Skottie Young
Artists: Nic Klein (Back in Business) Scott Hepburn (Good Night) Ian Herring (colors; Good Night)
It’s safe to say that many comic enthusiasts are suffering from DEAD-POOL fatigue. There are certainly enough titles featuring the “Merc. With a Mouth” that have rained from on high atop the MARVEL mountain. Thankfully MARVEL is trying to make good with this soft reboot: a freshly mind wiped Wade Wilson with a true master of wit, Skottie Young directing the fourth wall breaks and lickity split dialog delivers!
This go-round, Wade has lost his memory and knowledge of past offenses, both in super saturation and just what he’s been up to in general. We are treated to a typical low brow hit and a shake down of possible origin stories. Skottie Young blasts through the shortlist of the most familiar, but ultimately leaves an ambiguous origin of a possible new villain to shake Mr. Pool’s tree! This is a perfect getting on point. Don’t miss another hit by this great writer. MARVEL should be back on your radar!